Tennis for One and All
I hope that you are enjoying playing tennis all over Brunswick County. It’s my pleasure to convey lots of good news from BCTA. The following are our current officers. Feel free to contact any of them with your suggestions and also your offer to help.
Bob Cause (sbcause@hotmail.com) President
Jim Parker (park.mail1952@gmail.com) Vice President
Ginny Rawley (virginiarawley@att.net Treasurer
John Shea (jcoachshea@msn.com) Secretary
Mike Breen (mbreen70@hotmail.com) NJTL & Youth Tennis Director
Mitzi Liekweg (mliekweg17@gmail.com) Women’s League Coordinator
Wayne John (wayne.j.john@att.net) Men’s League Coordinator
NJTL Tennis Summer Camp In Southport
Again this summer The Brunswick County Tennis Association in partnership with the Southport Parks & Recreation will be sponsoring a National Junior Tennis and Learning summer camp during 3 weeks in July. The program is open to 20 kids who will be divided into 2 groups of 10. On Tuesdays group A will be playing tennis while group B will be working with academics from 9:00am to 10:00am. From 10:15am to 11:15am group A will be working with academics while group B will be playing tennis. On Wednesdays group A will be playing tennis while group B will be doing academics on line from 9:00am to 10:00am. From 10:15am to 11:15am they will reverse activities. On Thursdays Group A will be playing tennis while group B will be doing a designated activity from 9:00am to 10:00am. From 10:15am to 11:15am they will reverse activities.
Community Outreach
In an effort to “give back,” BCTA has many programs to reach out to the community–all of Brunswick County.